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Fish Maw, Stomach Contents that are Rich in Benefits and High Economic Value

Fish Maw, Stomach Contents that are Rich in Benefits and High Economic Value

Fish bubble or swim bladder, or what is commonly called a fish maw is one of the organs in fish, filled with gases such as oxygen and has varying pressure. This organ has important functions for fish, such as helping fish to float in the water, so that fish do not have to swim continuously to maintain their position in the water. Fish bubbles will adjust the volume of the fish body which is adjusted to the specific gravity of the water in a certain depth. In addition, fish bubbles are also one of the fish's tools to adapt.

However, not all fish have fish bubbles. Fish that live in the deep sea and fish that have cartilage like sharks do not have fish bubbles. The most sought after bubble fish are snapper, gulama, and kurau fish. In addition to its function in the fish itself, fish bubbles that have been separated from the fish body have benefits for human health as well. Now because of these benefits, the price of fish bubbles, especially Chinese snapper bubbles, is very expensive, here are the 3 main benefits of fish bubbles for human health.


1. As a source of collagen

Collagen itself is found in many beauty products, because one of the functions of collagen is to maintain healthy facial skin to keep it tight so it doesn't look wrinkled. In addition to making the skin firm, collagen can also maintain the skin as a whole so that the facial skin becomes healthier.

In addition to maintaining facial beauty, collagen also has another function, namely to maintain body resistance. Collagen not only helps skin health, but also builds several organs and body parts including bones, joints, muscles and teeth. This is because the normal collagen content in the body is 30% of the total protein in the body.


2. Increase metabolism

Fish bubbles have the function of increasing metabolism in the body. Increased metabolism in the body will have a good impact on health. With a good metabolism, the burning of calories in the body is also good. A good body metabolism, the body will become more fit, energetic and weight will also be controlled. In addition, increasing metabolism in the body can also repair damage to the body, remove toxins from the body, and absorb nutrients from food that enters the digestive system.


3. Improve baby's intelligence

Fish bubbles can also increase the intelligence of the fetal brain in the mother's womb. Pregnant women who consume fish bubbles are the same as providing food in the form of good nutrition for the fetus in the womb. This will indirectly increase the intelligence of the baby's brain and help blood circulation in the baby's fetus.

Judging from the selling price, this hard raw cracker-like object has a fantastic value. Because the fishermen in Merauke, Papua, and other areas, fish bubbles are one of the reasons they are in the middle of the sea for decades.

The value of this bubble is influenced by the sex of the fish. It turns out that the price difference between male and female bubble fish. When the male edges tend to be thin and thick in the middle. If the fish is female, the surface of the fish bubbles tends to be thick, but the inside is a little. Now this is what makes the price of the male bubble more expensive.

Sugar bubbles per 1 kilo can reach tens of millions. As for the male Chinese snapper bubbles, per kilo it can reach tens of millions of rupiah.

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