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Can Produce 90kg of Sand, This is an Interesting Fact about Parrotfish


Can Produce 90kg of Sand, This is an Interesting Fact about Parrotfish

Sharks, stingrays, sea eels, and even anemones may sound very popular, but there are also quite interesting reef-dwelling fish, namely the Humphead Parrotfish. The term Humphead Parrotfish includes all species in the Scaridae family. This fish is known for its bright coloration, fondness for chewing coral, and producing unbelievable sand, this fish is an important part of the marine ecosystem.

There are about 95 different species of Humphead Parrotfish. They are usually colorful, and usually have a blue or green tint, with accents of pink, purple, yellow and red. Most of these fish species range in length from 30cm – 50cm, but there are also species that can range from 12cm to more than 121cm. Well, here are some interesting facts about the Humphead Parrotfish.

1. Food

Most Humphead Parrotfish are herbivores, which means they eat plant matter. Algae that grow on the rocks of coral reefs, is the main food of this fish. They will also eat plankton and other small invertebrates. Some species feed on coral polyps as well.

2. Sand Producer

How do these fish produce sand? When fish eat coral polyps and scrape algae off the coral surface, they are also inadvertently consuming the coral. So what is eaten must also come out! This coral rock is eaten and digested by fish, and then comes out of the fish's bottom as sand. A fish can produce 90kg of sand every year!

3. Fish with “Beaks”

These fish have very different tooth structures. The "beak" of this fish is actually made up of many tiny teeth that are close together to form a beak-like structure. They use this beak to scrape algae off rocks and coral while feeding. The teeth of the Humphead Parrotfish are composed of fluorapatite, one of the hardest biominerals in the world. This makes the Humphead Parrotfish's teeth harder than copper, gold, and silver.

4. Sneaky Sleeper

Can Produce 90kg of Sand, This is an Interesting Fact about Parrotfish

This fish uses a unique method to get ready for bed at night. After a day of foraging, they will make a slimy cocoon before going to bed. They secrete mucus from their mouths, and spread it all over their bodies. Scientists believe that this mucus helps mask the smell of fish from predators.

5. Coral Nurse

Although some of these fish species eat coral polyps, they actually eat algae. Too much algae and seaweed growth on corals can cause coral reefs to die, and this growth is exacerbated by climate change and pollution. Researchers firmly believe that these fish are very important for the preservation of Australia's Great Barrier Reef. It is the only fish species that erodes and cleans the reef surface.

6. Habitat

The Humphead Parrotfish prefers to live in shallow water, as coral grows best in areas with lots of light. They can be found in tropical and subtropical habitats. Their favorite ecosystem is coral reefs, but they also live among seagrass beds and rocky shorelines.

7. Spread

There are about 95 species of Humphead Parrotfish, and they can be found worldwide in tropical and subtropical oceans. This fish is usually found in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans. The highest species variety is found in the Indo-Pacific ocean area.

8. Parrotfish and Human Interaction

Several species of large Humphead Parrotfish are hunted commercially for their meat. Many people are aware of the value these fish have for coral reef health, and have implemented protections for a wide variety of species. They are rarely kept in aquariums, despite their beautiful color,

9. Parrotfish Reproduction

These fish are pelagic spawners, which means they release eggs and sperm into the water column. After fertilization, the eggs will settle on the coral and develop until they are ready to hatch. In many species, a male fish will control a small group of females. When the male dies, the largest female will change sex and become a male. In fact, some Humphead Parrotfish change sex several times in their lifetime.

So, interesting facts about Humphead Parrotfish or parrto fish may be useful.

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