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The Discovery of Gold Snakeheadfish in Muba District Indonesia


The Discovery of Gold Snakeheadfish in Muba District Indonesia

Alfian, a resident of Dusun 3, Sri Gunung village, Sungai Lilin sub-district, Muba district, received an unexpected fortune. While fishing in Embung (Empang) around the village on Thursday (19/8/2021) he caught a bright gold cork fish.

The fish weighing 500 grams is the result of his fishing rod using a small sepat fish at around 10.00 WIB. When he got this unique and rare animal, Alfian swiftly put this unique fish with a snake-shaped head in a glass aquarium.

Not only that, Alfian was like getting a windfall, because in addition to getting a big golden cork, he also caught the cork child who fell when he was provoked. He admitted that in addition to getting a female cork, he also got a male cork fish but it was black. Unfortunately the fish immediately released, so it has not been secured. He did not intend to sell the fish he caught. It will even add oxygen and other decorations to the aquarium where the goldfish are kept.

Meanwhile, the Head of Sri Gunung Village, Iwan Harianto said that it is very rare for snakehead fish here to be kept in an aquarium. However, since the fish caught by Alfian are rare and golden in color, they are kept. He added, many have offered this gold cork fish at a fantastic price. There are even those who dare to exchange with antique motorcycles. But from Alfian's confession, he wanted to keep the rare fish first.

The Muba Regency Fisheries Service spoke about the excitement of residents in Sri Gunung Village, Sungai Lilin District, who got gold-colored cork fish. The Head of the Muba Fisheries Service, Hendra Tris Tomy, said that so far his party had only received information through viral videos and photos. So that it cannot be ascertained more specifically the type of snakehead fish.

"At first glance, it is possible that the Yellow Channa Maru species have a population in Kalimantan," he said. Hendra said, if later the type was correct, the fish would not be protected and residents could keep it. In contrast, if it is included in the protected category, it must be preserved.

Apart from that, Hendra prioritizes residents to maintain environmental sustainability by not doing illegal fishing or catching fish by destroying the environment.

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