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Why is Turbot Fish So Expensive

Why is Turbot Fish So Expensive

The name of the turbot fish may rarely be heard in our ears. But who would have thought, this fish is one of the most delicious fish in the sea and is sold at a bombastic price. The name turbot fish is taken from the word tarbot, which is an old French language which was later absorbed by English into turbo which refers to its body shape which means spinning top with great power.

Turbot fish have a thin flat body shape, but from the side it is almost round, has an average length of 61 cm and weighs 8–14 kg. The bottom of this fish is white while the top has a color that can adjust to its environment. Turbot fish have long fins on the top and bottom of the body. Both eyes are on the left side.

Why is Turbot Fish So Expensive

Turbot fish are able to lay eggs in the amount of 500 thousand to 10 million grains and float on the sea surface. However, after hatching they live on the seabed. Launching Thefishsociety.co.uk, this fish lives in the waters of the Black Sea, Mediterranean, Baltic and North Sea. But make no mistake, this fish can also live in the Atlantic Ocean.

Why is Turbot Fish So Expensive

Classified as an active predatory fish and likes to hunt small fish and molluscs, causing the turbot to prefer to live on the sea floor, even buried in the underwater layer. The bigger the size, the higher the price of Turbot fish.

Why expensive?


Why is Turbot Fish So Expensive

Turbot fish has become so expensive in the market because it has a delicious taste with a high content of substances that are beneficial for humans. Turbot has white flesh with a smooth texture and savory taste. A large turbot can provide up to a dozen servings Then, the thickest middle has a special taste. This part is usually made as a fillet steak dish.

In addition to fillet steak, Turbot is also commonly processed for sashimi dishes or Japanese dishes. Turbot fish can already be cultivated. Reporting from thefishsociety.co.uk, Europe may produce 10,000 tons of turbot in a year. Meanwhile, China has also cultivated Turbot on a much larger scale, namely 60,000 tons in 2012. However, a properly cultivated turbot can be of good quality as well.

How do you guys want to taste the deliciousness of turbot fish?


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