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Jaguar Cichlid Profile


Jaguar Cichlid Profile

Having a pet is one of the best things about it, especially if the pet is a fish. Jaguar Cichlids are quiet and beautiful fish, and some are great for pest control. While fish may seem easy to care for, there are many species that require a lot of attention and special food or aquariums.

In this article, we will talk about an interesting species of fish: the jaguar cichlid. Here you can find everything you need to know about this species including its compatibility with other fish. Jaguar cichlids cannot be placed in an aquarium with Tetra or Angel Fish. They are large and aggressive fish. They are known as "tank destroyers" among predatory enthusiasts because they can break smaller tanks with their aggressive nature.


General Information about Jaguar Cichlid

The Jaguar Cichlid, scientifically known as parachromis managuesis, is a large species of Cichlid. They are native to Central America and can be found from Costa Rica to Honduras. Unlike most tropical fish, this species is larger, and can grow up to 35 centimeters. fish This is a predatory fish. Jaguar cichlids are very attractive because of their appearance. This is one of the more beautiful, larger, and aggressive Cichlids from Central America that you can buy.


Size and Appearance

The managuense jaguar cichlid is a large elongated fish. The body shape is flat from the sides and has an oval body. Its appearance showed that it was a raptorial hunter that had adapted to aggressive attacks. These fish have different sizes when living in captivity. For example, the wild jaguar cichlid can reach 60 cm in length and weigh about 7 kg.

Unlike those that live in the wild, jaguar cichlids that live in captivity grow to about 35 cm. Female Parachromis managuensis can only reach 30 cm and weigh about 3 kg. The color of the Jaguar Cichlid is silvery with brown and black spots. The color pattern resembles that of a jaguar, as the name suggests. An interesting fact about their color pattern is that it is almost impossible to find two jaguar cichlids with the same body spots. This species also presents a large head with a large mouth and large lips. They have pharyngeal teeth that help them hunt.


Difference between male and female

Male Jaguar Cichlids are larger and will have a more vertical fractured stem pattern when young. These stems will disappear once the male reaches maturity. The female Parachromis managuesis, on the other hand, will have a thinner vertical stem pattern and will have darker stems that are more prominent and have a more reddish tint to their gill covers. The bigger this cichlid, the more expensive it will be and the harder it will be to find.


Caring for Jaguar Cichlids in the aquarium

There are some important things to keep in mind when you want to buy a jaguar cichlid as a pet. For example, these fish cannot share an aquarium with many species. To accommodate cichlids and other tank mates, you must have an aquarium with aggressive fish. In addition, you must have a large fish so as not to get hurt or eaten by the jaguar cichlid.

It is best to pair the jaguar cichlid with another cichlid such as the Red Devil or Midas cichlid. This species is territorial to aggressive which means they are able to defend themselves. Aggressiveness is best handled by additional aquarium space. Keeping your aggressive fish full will also curb their aggressive nature

Another important thing to consider before buying Parachromis managuensis is the aquarium. In this case, you need an aquarium tank with a capacity of at least 100 gallons of water. Aquarium decorations must be large. Do not put plants in their tank because this cichlid will destroy them in no time. A good starter aquarium for fish of this size is a 125 gallon aquarium. This is a 6ft long aquarium with sufficient width and depth to support a Cichlid of this size and still have room for other occupants.

You need to put a substrate for the bottom of the aquarium made of large-grained gravel and add some medium-sized grains. Keep the water in the aquarium at a temperature of 24-25 C. In addition, the pH of the water should be around 7 for optimal results.



Jaguar cichlids have been bred in aquariums for a long time. However, there are some rules to follow when it comes to this species. The best way to help them breed is to put 2 or 3 pairs of jaguar cichlids together in the tank when they are juveniles. If you try to place a new female or a new male when you have an adult fish. You run the risk of losing this extra due to the jaguar cichlid's territorial nature.

If you n have a partner who is actively breeding, consider moving them to a different aquarium to keep the breeding process running smoothly. This aquarium must have at least 200 liters of water. Cichlids are generally great parents and love to watch the process of raising their young.



As we mentioned earlier, these fish are carnivorous and raptorial which means they enjoy a wide variety of live fish. They can also eat pieces of fish or crayfish and dry food. Jaguar cichlids prefer foods such as earthworms, crickets, and tadpoles. Remember to feed them only once a day as they tend to overeat. Frozen foods are also a good staple to stock up on, as they can be expensive considering how much these fish need to eat at their adult size. Experts recommend fasting jaguar cichlids once a week.

These fish can also eat small reptiles, larvae, or goldfish. However, it is strictly forbidden to give this species warm-blooded meat such as beef, pork or poultry. This type of meat has a lot of fat and can affect the health of your cichlid.


Diseases Affecting Cichlids

Unfortunately, these fish are prone to infection and disease, especially predatory fish such as cichlids. Infections are common in predatory fish due to fighting and the wound can become infected. For parasites, one of the most common diseases is Ich. This can be overcome simply by raising the temperature to 86 degrees Fahrenheit for about 3 days.



These are some of the most important things you should know about this amazing fish species. If you want to buy a jaguar cichlid as a pet, you have to be careful with the capacity of the tank and the pH of the water. Other than that, feed them once a day with worms or dry food and they will be fine. Also, don't put it in an aquarium with smaller fish as the jaguar can kill or eat it.

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