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Complete Guide: How to Take Care of Sumatran Fish "Tiger Barb"

Complete Guide: How to Take Care of Sumatran Fish "Tiger Barb"

The Sumatran fish is also known as the Tiger barb. Its scientific name is Puntius tetrazona. It is one of the most famous barb species. However, his demeanor is active and the colors are bright and attractive. Certainly suitable for anyone's aquarium. However, this fish care cannot be underestimated.

The original habitat of Sumatran fish

As the name implies, Sumatran fish, the majority of these cute creatures do come from the island of Sumatra. They are scattered in the central and southern parts of Sumatra. This fish also inhabits Thailand and the Malay Peninsula.

The environment itself is a small river that is clean and full of plants. Wild barbs are also found in the waters of Suriname, the United States, Colombia and Australia. Then they are increasingly distributed to private aquariums. Most barbs that live in private aquariums are captive bred.


Description of Sumatran Fish

The body of this fish is flat, round, and quite tall. The main colors are pink and gold. The back of the fish is darker, but still has a touch of red or orange. While the belly is yellowish white.

The front of his head is covered in red and brown. Then on the edges of his body there are 4 black vertical lines. The first line is along the eyelets, then behind the pectoral fins, behind the back/dorsal, then near the tail. Read: Sumatran Fish for Aquascape.

The underside of the fish's back looks black. While the top is red. The pectoral fins are also red. While the rest of the fins appear with a transparent color, or a touch of pink.

Barb species are selectively bred. The most widespread fish is of the green tiger barb. They are fish that have solid lines and are green all over. Then there's the barb albino tiger, where its stripes are white, its eyes are red, and its body is a stark pink.

Sumatran fish that live in the wild measuring 7-10 cm. However, if you already inhabit the aquarium, its growth will not exceed 5 cm. His life span is also not so long, only 3-4 years.


Difficulties Keeping Sumatran Fish

Actually, even beginner aquarist can keep this fish. They can be relocated without disturbing their activities and appetite. But these fish need good aeration and clean water.

Then, not all fish can feel at home with Sumatran fish. For example goldfish, which can live under pressure all the time. Likewise with other fish with long fins.

Well, one of the delinquency of Sumatran fish is that they often bite the fins of other fish. They are like exasperated or geregetan. This kind of mischief certainly makes it less suitable as an aquarium partner for other fish.

As an alternative to the bad habits of Sumatran fish, you can keep 1 or 2 Sumatran fish. Otherwise, you can avoid other fish with long fins.


Keeping Sumatran Fish in an Aquarium

We recommend that you prepare an aquarium with a capacity of more than 50 liters. Set the temperature so that it is in the range of 25-27.8 degrees Celsius. Then the pH is between 6.5-8.0.

This fish is active and aggressive, especially towards other fish. Especially if the atmosphere of the tank is narrow. It's different if you keep more than 6 species, in a large aquarium, and good nutrition, then they can show a harmonious life. They even seem to be busy themselves, so they don't have time to disturb their tankmates. Read: The Best Indonesian Endemic Ornamental Fish.

The base substrate can be small, well-polished rocks, say gravel. While aquarium plants can adjust to your taste. This plant can be a shelter or hiding place. Sometimes the fish will be seen frozen in their shelter. However, this behavior is still normal, it does not always mean the fish is sick.

Although it is recommended to plant aquatic plants, don't forget to still provide an open space as a free swimming area. This fish will dominate the middle layer of water. Then they can swim actively by cutting from one side to the other of the aquarium.

You should update the water regularly, at least 25% of the total tank capacity. You should also be wary of water that is high in nitrogen. Fish are usually susceptible to infectious diseases. Therefore, you should use an efficient water filter.


Suitable Aquarium Friend for Sumatran Fish

If the aquarium is small or the aquascape has fewer than 6 species, the fish are likely to be aggressive. They will hunt and bite the fins of other fish. However, their behavior may change if the aquarium is large and has many inhabitants. Fish aggressiveness is usually reduced. But even that doesn't guarantee total peace in the aquarium.

The point is to unite Sumatran fish with other fish with long and long finsswimming late is a bad idea. These fish cannot share the same roof with betta fish, dwarf carp, freshwater angelfish, goldfish, etc. Basically, male Sumatran fish are aggressive and often fight with each other. But they will not kill each other. Even among ornamental fish lovers can mix Sumatran fish with koi fish and goldfish in ornamental fish ponds and eat fish lice.


Sumatran Fish Food “Tiger Barb”

As omnivores, these fish can eat anything. Whether it's live food, dry food, or plants. However, high-calorie foods can be a cause of fish obesity. If that's the case, the male Sumatran fish will not be able to fertilize the eggs. Even female Sumatran fish cannot lay eggs and even die.

The presence of plant foods in the Sumatran fish diet can be very useful. The risk of fish obesity is reduced. The habit of fish to bite aquarium plants is also reduced. At least once a week, you must provide live food, so that their desire to attack and bite the fins of other fish is reduced.

Those of you who want to be practical can buy special feed products, either directly or via online. But make sure that the product is safe, healthy, and of good quality. Do not give the impact of allergies to fish. Also try to keep the product from making the aquarium dirty or dirty quickly. Read: Male Sumatran Fish.


Sumatran Fish Gender Differences

At the age of 6-8 months, this fish has entered a productive period. If you have not entered that age, then you must have difficulty distinguishing which one is male and which one is female. But when you're old enough, you can identify their gender based on the color of their head.

Male fish will have a bright red color. Body color also looks brighter than female fish. In addition, female fish look fatter and bigger.


How to Cultivate Sumatran Fish

At the age of 5-9 months, these fish are fairly ready to spawn. Female fish can produce about 400 eggs. Sometimes there are also those that produce up to 800 eggs. Egg growth depends on the temperature of the aquarium water, about 1-3 days.

About 3-4 days later, the chicks will begin to swim and eat independently. Once they reach 1 month old, the chicks will show colors like adult fish. Then at the age of 2.5-3 months, you begin to be able to distinguish which ones are male and which are female.


How to Livestock Tiger Barb

To carry out the spawning process, you can provide a special 15 liter aquarium for one pair of fish. Choose the most active and brightly colored male fish. While the female is the fattest. If possible, male fish should be older.

Just put some separator nets at the bottom of the aquarium, no bottom substrate needed. The net must be easily traversed by fish eggs. Then, also provide a group of aquatic plants with small leaves. Read: Aquarium Oxygen Plants,

Make sure you fill 50% of the old aquarium water to the spawning tank. Then add 25% distilled water or rain water, so that the hardness is reduced. For the temperature itself, try in the range of 25-27 degrees Celsius.

Before spawning, you can separate the fish for 1-2 weeks. Specialize them with nutritious food. But remember, do not get too much so as not to be obese. Then put the fish into the spawning aquarium at night. Usually spawning to last for 2-3 hours in the morning.

It is even better if the fish farming aquarium is exposed to the morning sun. Once the process is complete, you can remove the fish. Then check the state of the aquarium again. Aeration must be good.

About 1-3 days later, the fish will hatch. Then 2-3 days later, the fish will begin to actively swim. They can also eat rotifers or infusorians. After a week, you can give another snack. Most juveniles or young Sumatran fish that are albino die, because they are very sensitive to food and water parameters. Thus, a complete guide on how to maintain Sumatran fish.

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